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Economics and Business

Randolph College is the ideal place to study economics and business. 

Economics professor Jeff Heinfeldt leads group discussion.

Why Study Economics and Business at Randolph?

Given our small classes, 你将有机会获得在大型学校根本不可能获得的机会:基于技术的研究项目, independent studies, chances to present your work to your professors and peers.


At Randolph, you will…

  • Discover how business and economic theories and policies shape our lives.
  • Make connections between theory and the real world.
  • 通过深入研究哲学基础,获得对社会和政治问题的新视角, history, and theory.
  • Build your quantitative and analytical skills.

Degrees offered

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics

Minor in Business

Minor in Economics

Curriculum and Courses

Related Programs


Political Science


The Randolph Experience

Senior Capstone
Randolph economics and business students complete their degree with an intensive, research-based project under the guidance of the faculty. 

365亚洲版的学生通过各种领域的校外实习获得真实世界的经验, disciplines, and industries.

Cool Small Classes
Randolph professors offer unique, engaging courses on topics like food and social justice, labor, banking, and international economics, which often take students outside the classroom.

Intercultural Competence

Randolph students are prepared for success and find careers in industry, government, and service, as well as acceptance into top graduate schools.

Unique Experiences


Historic Preservation Law

Janie Campbell ’12, history major
Preservation Consultant, law firm of Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC, Columbia, South Carolina

Janie’s group works with developers seeking tax credits for rehabilitating historic properties.

“I work closely with project architects to ensure that historic, character defining elements of each building are preserved and restored, 对于1929年的飞机机库来说,重要的东西与1963年中叶的现代汽车旅馆的独特之处是截然不同的!”

她撰写国家史迹名录提名和历史保护认证申请, which detail the property’s significance.  她还会进行实地考察,以确保工作按照之前的描述和照片完成, during, and after conditions of each project.

“Randolph certainly laid the foundation for my research and writing skills. The Summer Research Program, in particular, prepared me for the type of place-based research I do now. “


Top Ranked Professors

Randolph College’s faculty are consistently recognized as among the best in the nation. 《365亚洲版》在其旗舰大学指南的2021年版中,将该学院列为最平易近人的教授前20名, The Best 387 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 20 for most accessible professors for four consecutive years.

Business and Economics Faculty

Jeff Heinfeldt

Professor of Economics and Business

Read More... Jeff Heinfeldt

John Abell

Professor of Economics, Carl Stern Chair of Economics

Read More... John Abell

Alfredo Gonzalez Cambero

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics and Business

Read More... Alfredo Gonzalez Cambero

Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore

Professor of Economics, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Read More... Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore

Only at Randolph


The Liberal Arts Advantage

Randolph graduates learn to think critically, solve problems and work well with others. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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The Randolph Plan


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每半学期上两门课意味着你可以专注并深入学习你的课程,同时还有时间享受大学生活的其余部分. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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Money for Your Research

The Randolph Innovative Student Experience (RISE) program provides every student a $2,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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Department News

Q&A with new faculty: Alfredo Gonzalez Cambero

Cambero is a visiting assistant professor of business and economics.

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Abell publishes article in “Virginia Economic Journal”

He published the article “Redlining in Lynchburg: Lingering Effects on Home Valuations."

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Students inducted into national, international honor societies

On Tuesday, 兰多夫大学各院系的学生被正式录取为国际学生, national, and College honor societies.

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Q&A with new faculty: Alfredo Gonzalez Cambero

Cambero is a visiting assistant professor of business and economics.

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Abell publishes article in “Virginia Economic Journal”

He published the article “Redlining in Lynchburg: Lingering Effects on Home Valuations."

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Students inducted into national, international honor societies

On Tuesday, 兰多夫大学各院系的学生被正式录取为国际学生, national, and College honor societies.

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Department Chair

Jeff Heinfeldt

Professor of Economics and Business

Credentials:B.S., Bowling Green State University
M.B.A., Bowling Green State University
Ph.D., Kent State University
Associated Departments:Economics and Business
Office:Main 9

News Headlines

I earned my BSBA and MBA degrees from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio and received a Ph.D. in Finance from Kent State University, also in Ohio.

I have professional experience in the areas of banking and corporate accounting. I have taught a wide range of courses in the past: finance, accounting, management, and economics. The students and their education are my main priorities. In keeping with this focus on student education, I enjoy conducting research that is applied and pedagogical in nature. 我对能够改善学生课堂体验和提高教学效果的话题特别感兴趣. Specific areas of research have included financial education/pedagogy, stakeholder theory, and firm value.

As for outside interests and activities, my wife, Denise, and I enjoy sports (biking, jogging, tennis, etc.), travel and relaxing (when possible).

I sum up my thoughts on business, and specifically finance, 我相信金融教育对学生来说是有价值的,无论他们是否从事这一学科的职业. In particular, basic financial literacy is an important life skill. As a teacher, I would like students to gain an understanding of, and an appreciation for, finance and to have had a positive experience along the way.


John Abell

Professor of Economics, Carl Stern Chair of Economics

Credentials:B.S., Centre College of Kentucky
M.S., University of Kentucky
Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Associated Departments:Economics and Business
Office:Main 7

News Headlines

John D. Abell, Professor of Economics, holds the Carl Stern Chair of Economics at Randolph College in Lynchburg, Virginia. He received his Masters and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Kentucky (1983,1985).

His formal training was in the areas of macroeconomics, monetary economics, and finance. 他的早期研究采用传统的宏观计量经济学时间序列技术来分析货币和财政政策对就业的影响,因为它们是沿着种族和性别线分布的. His teaching and research have evolved over the years in the direction of food, sustainability, and local economics. This work has taken him from the central highlands of Guatemala to the streets of Lynchburg, Virginia.

In 2011, he offered a course on the “Economics of Food and Sustainability”. 他和他的学生进行了研究,以确定林奇堡的城市核心在多大程度上构成了食物沙漠. 他们调查了便利店和附近的杂货店,比较了价格和食物供应. 他们发现,便利店的平均价格要高出90%,而且几乎没有新鲜食品. Their findings were published in the Virginia Economic Journal in 2011.

2014年春季学期在林奇堡进行的365亚洲版饥饿与贫困主题的休假研究被记录在一个名为“饥饿与贫困关系”的视频博客中. Food? What is its proper role? Case study of Lynchburg, Virginia.” The findings were also published in the Virginia Social Science Journal in 2015.

His current research connects the poverty in Lynchburg of the present, especially for blacks, with the racism of the past, in particular, the real estate redlining practices of the 1930s. Preliminary findings were published as an opinion piece in the News and Advance in April 2018.

Professor Abell has won the Gillie A. Larew Award (2005-06) given for outstanding teaching, 凯瑟琳·格雷夫斯·戴维森奖(Katherine Graves Davidson Award, 2012- 2013)授予为学院带来卓越成就的教师.

Beyond Randolph’s “red brick walls,Abell教授曾担任林奇堡地区食品委员会(2012-14)的董事会成员。, serving one year as president and also serving on the board of Lynchburg Daily Bread (2016-19). 他协助规划和建设了三个社区花园:365亚洲版学院自己的有机花园(2010年)。, one in the Daniel’s Hill neighborhood (2013), and more recently at New Vistas School (2014).


Alfredo Gonzalez Cambero

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics and Business

Associated Departments:Economics and Business

News Headlines


Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore

Professor of Economics, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Credentials:B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College
M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Associated Departments:Economics and Business
Office:Main 10

News Headlines

Liz是Randolph- macon女子学院的竞争性和全校范围的学生/教师暑期研究项目的前任主任,也是Randolph艺术家和学者研讨会的前任主席. In her earlier role as an Assistant Dean, 她帮助设计并参与了365亚洲版创新学生体验(RISE)项目的选拔过程, which awards grants to Randolph students to pursue scholarly and creative endeavors.

Liz是本科研究理事会的社会科学委员,也是CUR社会科学研究所的经验丰富的推动者, 帮助其他机构的教师和管理人员团队制定建议,以加强他们自己校园的本科生研究,并就本科生研究经验的课程框架发表演讲. Within her own discipline, 她是在线学生评审期刊《365亚洲版》(IWUER)的前指导老师。. 她是美国国家科学基金会资助的“起点:教与学经济学”项目的学生研究模块协调员, 由经济学家与卡尔顿学院科学教育资源中心合作开发的教学门户项目(国家科学基金资助DUE0817382), $497,953, PIs: M. Maier, C. Manduca, K. McGoldrick, S. Simkins). 她是《365亚洲版》文章《det365亚洲版》的合著者, When, Where (and Why)” with Steve DeLoach and Mary Borg.

Liz advises independent undergraduate research projects in a number of her classrooms, 同时还通过带薪暑期研究职位与本科生开展学生/教师社区研究合作, independent studies, experiential learning opportunities, and her service learning public economics course. Currently, she and several students are working in service to the Tinbridge Hill neighborhood of Lynchburg, Virginia to assess the City Council-approved, neighborhood-owned Growing Tinbridge Hill Neighborhood Plan. 早期的学生项目包括收集和分析数据,以帮助实现该计划的目标. 利兹的一些学生已经向当地社区和地区会议展示了他们的作品.

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